Sunday, June 5, 2011

Top bicycle fixie

Fixie Bike

       Synonymous with a minimalist style, Fixie cheap and simple. Fixie bike has brakes that are on foot, bike trend among young people and workers. Using a fixie bike not only as a means of transportation, but for the lifestyle. Building a Fixie bike practical case of the most successful, a lot of things and some components can be combined with a racing bike components. Only Fixie bikes more simple, such as young people with their own style.

      for those who do not know. bike with fixed gear system. fixed gear? pedal point so it will spin continues. pedal can continue to operate because there are things called "COG" in the rear hub. "COG" it? COG is a cool language "doltrap" her like a BMX bike kids who do not use the brakes. somehow they do not use the brakes, what lazy parents bought for her bicycle brakes? I also do not know.

what is interesting about this bike?

       Color? Obviously, because the bike Fixie, or better known as racing bikes, the chassis has the advantage of color compared with ordinary bicycle types. Later, these bikes do tend to like assembly, while a normal bike is usually either the front or back of the tooth consists of more than 6 teeth.

Fixie Bike: a Healthy Lifestyle

What's unique bike Fixie?

Fixie bike with an attractive color. Fixie Bicycle Components many and cheap. various colors tires, like the color red tires, yellow is also available, or create a bike with a white color all can too.

buy a plain frame and in the paint as they pleased owners.

Velg or Fixie Rim, has a wide model the same shape, although round but there are some wheels made ​​thicker. Black and white colors are much more available. and also can modify their own.

      Fixie bike tires are very thin, making it easier when worn. and a more interesting on fixie bike with no hand brake. and steering a bike Fixie made ​​perpendicular. Minimalist design characterize this bike fast.

Fixie bikes steering wheel is also unique. short form and minimalist make it easier to ride

The most cool with Fixie bikes, bicycles were encouraged to reverse the direction, generally fixie use the back teeth fixed or permanent teeth.

Because it follows the minimalist style. Fixie bike is lighter. The average weight of not more than 11kg, and some even much lighter

Fixie Bicycle, Bicycle Favorite current

How to own, construct or build a bike Fixie?
There are 2 options:

1.Beli bicycle dealer immediately.

save time, the price depends on the money we have. This option is good for those who do not have a bike or frame. The price is relatively more expensive, and quality components are generally higher.

2. Assemble or modification of the former bike.

frames that have not used can be painted in accordance with our wishes. Can also use an old bicycle racing frame. Components of an old bicycle wheel can be replaced with simple Fixie bike components. For an old racing bike frame size generallystill used or changed, then the average Fixie bikes are designed for 700C wheel size. The rest can be modified.

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