Unique Bike From Bamboo

Infinite natural resources makes a lot of people trying to exploit these natural resources. there are many trees, bamboo There also will be beneficial to be a bicycle.
With a strong material, bamboo is a material that is affordable and environmentally friendly. Indeed, bicycle frames made of bamboo. However, pedal, bicycle wheels and saddles are made from materials konfensional. Bamboo can also be an anti-crash helmets.
Bamboo bicycle can be useful for the future of the world, because it can exploit the natural wealth and as an anti-poverty programs.
Bamboo bicycles developed in Sowutuom, Ghana West African country, the idea of a bamboo bike by Ibrahim Djan Nyampong.
At a workshop in Ghana, young artisans who make them - from bamboo mountain bike racer for cargo - to suit customer needs, now as far away as the United States and Europe.
At first Ibrahim Djan Nyampong not easy as people think it's a joke to make bikes from bamboo," said Nyampong as he supervised work in a small factory outside of Accra. "Now people are warming to the bamboo bike."
With the bamboo material is strong, affordable and environmentally friendly available to producers, the countries in the world has seen the beginning of the production bike. This does not leave u nnoticed. Initiative Ghana is one of 30 recipients of the United Nations Environment Program 2010 SEED award for projects that alleviate poverty while promoting sustainable use of resources.
American engineer Craig Cal-cost, among those credited with introducing a solid bike for Africas rough terrain, said he developed this technique in 1995. The idea of joining a bamboo tube with epoxy-soaked fibers crossed his mind when he was thinking of "fun bike to attract publicity at trade shows."
Bamboo grows quickly and has been popular with furniture makers, among other industries, but now win the heart of the neighborhood looking for sustainable building materials. Bamboo Bicycles can be designed to fit the needs of individuals, including "bicycle school bus" with a few chairs.

Able to handle shocks and vi-brations as well as heavy loads, the bikes have been seen as a potential solution for rural farmers - though the $150 price for the labor-intensive product has limited sales locally.
fffffWhile frames are molded from bamboo, pedals, wheels and sad-dles are made of conventional materials. Nyampong said his organization was trying to develop its own bamboo bike handles and crash helmets.
Export demand has surged since the bikes were exhibited during US President Barack Obamas visit to Ghana in 2009. gggg"Business is now booming, especially in the area of export," Nyampong said. He said his company expects to sell about 300 bikes this year, mostly for export to the United States and Austria.

After six months on a tour of east and west Africa, Calfee came away with the impression that bamboo bikes would succeed.
hhhhThe price puts the bicycles beyond the reach of many rural, farmers in Ghana, where about a third of the population lives below the poverty threshold.

But Nyampong, who has been making the bicycles since 2007, believes that with time the price will come down and demand for bamboo bikes will spike.
gggggProducing the bikes does not require costly infrastructure, but takes a large amount of time and effort

Each frame is made with handmade, and even takes time to completion of 40 hours of work. While the design Boo Bicycles are only made for racing bicycles and bicycle commuter.
I think I will stick to the steel bike frame for my road bike, but I think I might have to get a mountain bike made up with bamboo for sure. Just sounds right.